Bridging the Worlds with Music
Merry Meet!
This page is to serve as a supplement to my article “Bridging the Worlds with Music” that I wrote for the release of “The Witches’ Almanac – Spring 2020 to Spring 2021 edition” (page 22) that was released in September 2019.
I have created sound examples for the article and placed them into video slide shows. I extended the sound clips (and videos) to around 4 minutes long so that they can be used as a short meditation, or even as background music when invoking and calling upon any specific Greek deity.
I am being inspired to compose complete chants for each of the deities based on the musical intervals that I have attributed to each of the 12 classic Greek Gods. A musical interval is simply the distance between two notes (ie: when visualized on the piano keyboard), when played together.
In the meanwhile, enjoy these musical interval examples and don’t forget to purchase the book and read my article! You can get a copy of it directly from the publisher here:
Blessed Be!