Bast Lyrics
Apr 01, 2019Bast
© Copyright 1992 Alexian & Earth Tones Studios
a black cat, egyptian fed,
a goddess of, the lion-head,
stalking through the mist of time, cloaked in red.
snake-destroyer, protectress,
the goddess who, beget us.
she dances through the sky above to silhouette us.
she comes to us this sacred hour to resurrect us.
bast heal our bodies, our minds and our souls.
give us your blessings to make us all whole.
goddess of power you place us in awe.
daughter of ra, we invoke your claw!
fang and whisker, great healer,
sun-bearer, just call on her.
to heal us with her touch; all troubles disappear.
kind goddess, singer, dancer,
joy-bringer, enchanter.
come to us and heal us great purrrrrr-fector.
we wait for you in love for your sweet answer.
beloved bast, my matron goddess, mistress of happiness! i invoke thee and call upon thee, to banish the evil that afflicts our world, our minds, and our souls. with your graceful stealth, anticipate the moves of all who would wrong, we, the children of light, and bind them from us. bestow upon us the joy of song and dance, and implant within us a deep caring for all other life forms. blessed be.
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Blessed Be!
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