Every 22nd of Every Month is #PaganMusicianPayDay
Apr 19, 2020Stream only Pagan Music every 22nd of the month to support your favorite pagan musicians! I hope I’ll be in your play list! If you have SPOTIFY, just open up the app on your phone, click the search magnifying glass, click inside the field to type something, and then click the little CAMERA ICON in the corner of that field and point it towards this photo (the blue bar) and it will take you directly to my artist Spotify account.
Add the 22nd to your calendars so you remember. Even make a pop up reminder that repeats every month on your phone!
On behalf of all Pagan Musicians, we thank you.
Blessed Be!
Alexian 🙂
Please support Pagan music by purchasing the music and the merch. Without supporting fans like you, we cannot continue to create the music you love! I thank you in advance!
Blessed Be!
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