I Am Lyrics
Jul 04, 2020I Am
© Copyright 1997 Alexian, James Rolling Thunder, & Earth Tones Studios
i am eagle, ride my wings and you’ll be free.
mother earth is calling.
can you hear her heart beat in the wind? i am eagle.
i am lion, passion strength and destiny.
mother earth is calling.
can you hear her heart beat in the flames? i am lion.
i am blue whale, dreams of love; tranquility.
mother earth is calling.
can you hear her heart beat in the waves? i am blue whale.
i am grey wolf, howling silence; mystery.
mother earth is calling.
can you hear her heart beat in the ground? i am grey wolf.
we are spirit, close your eyes and hear our song.
mother earth is calling.
can you hear her heart beat all around? we are spirit.
mother earth is calling!
can you hear her hear beat all around?
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Blessed Be!
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