My New Song, The Challenge
Feb 07, 2022You may have noticed some interesting graphics appearing in my social feeds recently! They are teasers for my new song release, “The Challenge”, coming out within the next week (or so).
“The Challenge” is an anthem for change, calling on us all to cherish the Earth and each other. It is based on a powerful poem by Elspeth Odbert, Grandmother Elspeth, one of the honored elders in the Pagan community who will turn 92 this year.
The poem the song is based on was given to Grandmother Elspeth in a dream almost 20 years ago. When she woke up she wrote it down and has been sharing the words with the world at gatherings and festivals.
I spent Saturday afternoon outside with my videographer, Jason from Hyena Head Photography, getting shots for the music video, and I’m in the process of mixing that now.
The song was originally scheduled to be released on Friday, February 11th, but my distributor is running behind on pushing it out because of the pandemic.
People are out sick, so instead of a 3 day turn around, they are now saying 1-2 weeks (suggested 6 weeks pre-upload!). We shall see if we make the deadline or not, but it shouldn’t be long after, if we miss it.
In any event, the song is done, uploaded and awaiting approval to be distributed.
I’m counting on your support!
HOW YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW: Please forward this email to like-minded friends, and share the photos and videos I’m posting on social media.
Blessed Be!
Please support Pagan music by purchasing the music and the merch. Without supporting fans like you, we cannot continue to create the music you love! I thank you in advance!
Blessed Be!
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