The Challenge Lyrics
Mar 03, 2022The Challenge
© Copyright 2021 Alexian & Grandmother Elspeth, Earth Tones Studios
i challenge you, by mystery & magick,
become the person you were meant to be.
to cherish the earth! honor the winds! nourish the fire!
drink deeply, of the living waters!
i challenge you, by mystery & magick,
live life more fully, and you will see.
the infinite possibilities, surround you, all around you,
you’ll find them with ease… get out of your own way!
i challenge you, by mystery & magick,
become aware of other-than human beings.
to share habitat and nourishment too, acknowledge all creatures
as gods’ given teachers… they will guide you true!
i challenge you, by mystery & magick,
free yourself from both nation, and of race.
recognize all as family. know that war,
will not set you free… it is not the answer!
in times to come there will be darkness and dissolution.
there will be raging anger, pain and deprivation.
there will be loss and there will be most violent death.
but I will say again with my own final breath…
i challenge you, by mystery & magick,
truly view the earth, as living and alive.
find your purpose in relation to hers.
all living things should always be heard… she is divine!
i challenge you, by mystery & magick,
continue in your chosen path, living joyously,
be deaf to the words of the un-awakened
uneasiness there, let not fear nor despair
make you weak! for….
the eternal ones are with you, now and forevermore.
the eternal ones are with us, now and forevermore!
the eternal ones are with you, now and forevermore.
the eternal ones are with us, now and forevermore!
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Blessed Be!
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